Back on a proper karting track after four years!

After four year it was time for Riccardo to get back on a top karting track he is very familiar with, where he feels at home: the Siena Circuit. He was there with his wife Julia, his grandson Josue’ David Gilles (10 years old first time driving) and two friends, Marco and Massimo Chini.

It was a fun day! we tested the Birel 125cc no shifter and also the Honda 4 strokes before enjoying a light lunch in the pleasant atmosphere of the track restaurant.

As always, thank you to the entire Torsellini family for the kind and professional hospitality.


Knowledge in todays’ organizations is something in continuos dynamic flux in order to reach, develop and sustain a competitive advantage; the reason for it: it becomes obsolete fast.

I come to truly understand the key meaning and reach of futuristic managerial classic research I learned during my studies in the USA: “The Knoledge Creating Company” and “The Future of Management”. This happens in light of the much more recent work and research brought forward on innovation by Dipl.Ing. Lars Behrendt and serendipidty and connecting the dots by Christian Busch.

All of this research sets people at the center of development processes that are more technological then ever. This is a very interesting and crucial phenomena set to radically change the way we interpret and live organizations while they create value in order to survive and grow within consistently changing conditions and disruptions coming from all sorts of different sides.

The key is to focus on individual and team performance to createvalue perceived by the client.

At MindUP Enhancement Psychology we enable to reach the pick of such performance while focusing also on people wellbeing and performance sustainabikity. Our research, method and protocols in order to enhance such individual and group performance are data focused and performance driven , active in sport (our method took origin within the top echelon of motorsport) as well as the organizational world.

Stay tuned for fascinating and far reaching insights on how this process generates innovation and creates lasting value …

The Innovative Editorial Project ITALIA ECONOMY is launched as an innovative start-up

After months of bureaucratic work in progress and technical fine tinting,  finally ITALIA ECONOMY is launched as an innovative startup. It fatures an innovative editoria project focusing on stirring up social and economic growth and sustainability debate in original inclusive value creating ways. Riccardo Paterni
(in the picture with Davide Trane, project co-founder and publisher) is the Project Business Developer and also overall Coordinator of the Emilia Romagna issue of the project. Stay tuned for news and updates…

Riccardo Paterni, Project Business Developer del progetto editoriale Italia Economy

Un modo per contribuire concretamente allo sviluppo del sistema economico e sociale italiano e’ quello di proporre, sviluppare e diffondere temi centrali alla crescita di aziende e persone; farlo coinvolgendo nel modo più partecipe e attivo possibile i diretti protagonisti.

Un nuovo modello di società, di economia, di relazioni. L’eredità del dopo Covid sarà un Sistema nel quale vecchi e nuovi Attori dovranno ritrovarsi, conoscersi, cooperare, progettare un nuovo modello di società e di relazioni economiche, con al centro i giovani. Da questo nasce il progetto Italia Economy.

Italia Economy è concepita come osservatorio vivo e strumento di comunicazione e dialogo. I nostri interlocutori sono i giovani, le imprese, le istituzioni, le associazioni, le industrie, PMI, il mondo delle professioni e della formazione. Una nuova sfida che nasce in un momento critico, di cambiamento di paradigma e di modelli, mettendo al centro l’economia italiana e le imprese, il lavoro, l’innovazione e le start up, PMI innovative. La vocazione di Italia Economy è di essere facilitatore, in un momento di grande cambiamento, della diffusione della voce dell’impresa nuova che avanza, con visione del futuro, esempi da seguire, modelli per un nuovo business sostenibile.

Questo ha in se principi professionali e di vita che da sempre caratterizzano l’attività’ di Synergy Pathways.

E’ con vivo piacere che metto al servizio esperienze, competenze e rete di contatti per alimentare la creazione di valore che fa parte della mission di Italia Economy.

A questo link l’accesso alle riviste cartacee che sono state pubblicate ad oggi.

Riccardo Paterni becomes member to the Ruote Classiche Club Prato

Riccardo Paterni is a proud new member of Club Ruote Classiche Prato .

The Club has been active for over 25 years celebrating automotive heritage with a special passionate  motorsport emphasis that makes the place truly unique. The Club features several activities that stimulate a powerful link among generations to spread the positive constructive values driven by a far reaching heritage.

At this link some pictures from this fantastic place.

When change and uncertainty become empowering…

“Connecting the dots” (title of a must read book), is a meaningful saying that has found boosting power in Christian Busch‘s serendipity seminal research. The new bonus chapter from the original publication further boosts the current relevance Christian’s work: “Navigating Uncertainty: Connecting the Dots for a more Joyful and Meaningful Life“.

During recent months I have have enjoyed dialogues with Lars Behrendt  inspired by his thought provoking work on innovation (another must read book “Get Real Innovation”). His view on the topic focus also on opportunities arising from change and uncertainty.

Christian and Lars have a marked concretely uplifting vision of the human potential.

Herewith I further connect the dots by linking their vision within change and uncertainty to the empowering, scientifically driven practices that characterize MindUP – Enhancement Psychology method and protocol: data driven, performance focused.

Christian, Lars, thank you for you consistent inspiration; from your work I sense that you have several potential dots to connect. Lars and I are beginning to connect them with MindUP – Enhancement Psychology to push forward positive far reaching change for many people.

Let’s enjoy the journey!

Happy New Year!

Celebrating the new year in with a special bottle of RichardLucien champagne in loving memory of a special unique person, Riccardo Procaccini, creator of the awarded brand, whom passed away a few days ago.

Riccardo and I met only a few times, we met a little over a year ago for the first time, yet we both felt to have a special inner connection driven by the ‘Riccardino’ name and mindset spirit we shared, we will honour his legacy beginning in 2022!

Cafe’ Elba’s wings spread even further: a unique resort in India

Synergy Pathways is all about generating opportunities and growth in the many international sectors we operate. Café Elba is our very own unique project focusing in the resort field “Indian food, Italian flair” is the mantra that has been driving the project growth since it begun in February 2020: enduring and evolving even through the many challenges and barriers set by the pandemic.

Nowadays the project goes one step further with five new unique bungalows characterised by the sense of comfort, hospitality and unique positive atmosphere that has been distinguishing Cafe’ Elba since the very beginning. Cafe’ Elba is more than ever a unique place in Alibag to refresh and reset our busy lives in natural enjoyable ways. A place for friends and families. A place where to free up and stimulate creative mindsets within a hub of knowledge and contacts set to develop far reaching opportunities.

We are especially proud of this project that in many ways is touching for the better many lives.

At this link the full presentation of the AC rooms.

Synergy Pathways begins TS2 Engineering internationalization project towards India

Riccardo has visited TS2 Engineering headquarters in Orvieto meeting the founders, the management team and visiting overall operations. The project entails a market feasibility study relevant to several areas of development in India for TS2 Engineering products and services.
Targeted business development actions will follow the feasibility study. The project will benefit from the network of high level widespread connections that Synergy Pathways has been developing throughout the years in the industrial, telecommunication, defence and biomedical fields throughout India. 

MindUP – Enhancement Psychology: Integrated Mental Training in motorsport focused on performance and driven by data for the enhancement of individual skills

MindUP – Enhancement Psychology is a mental training project developed and promoted by Synergy Pathways, member of Rpm Motorsport Network. We collect biometric data while the performance is in progress in order to develop an evaluation of the driver to identify the improvement areas to be optimized and the critical areas to be strengthen. The improvement program provides a personalized approach for the driver in order to enhance, maintain over time en constantly improve performance; at the same time we pay particular attention to preserving the psychophysical well-being of the athlete.

We recently implemented our Enhancement Psychology program for gentlemen drivers. We integrated the MindUP protocol with the advanced and innovative biometric and telemetry data detection software developed and provided by another member of RPM: Redway Technologies & Communication in their professional simulation center in Padua as shown in the pictures.

It was a day of intense and fun training that led all participants to concretely identify and begin to act on the fundamental factors for improving their performance: the Basic Functioning of the athlete personality.

This is an example of unique innovative projects that can be developed by the integration of unique competencies and experiences present in RPM Motorsport Network.