“Passion that drives continuos improvement innovation. Mazzanti: super cars are made the concrete way: inside-out. Here it comes the Evantra.”

We are expanding the international edition of our book that will be published in early 2015 and one of the new sections will feature the supercar Mazzanti’s Evantra, here featured in a photo shoot in Montecarlo.

the EVANTRA in Montecarlo
the EVANTRA in Montecarlo

The section will point out the entrepreneurial process that has brought to live this super car featuring a unique mix of  “luxury, exclusivity and extreme performance”; the kind of mix that has been noticed by international media, international movies productions and global licensing projects alike.

The title of the section will be:
“Passion that drives continuos improvement innovation. Mazzanti: super cars are made the concrete way: inside-out. Here it comes the Evantra”.

Seminario “Internazionalizzare per Crescere” presso Assindustria Lucca

Assieme al collega Andrea Morici (anche lui autore e blogger Lifeplan) abbiamo curato questo seminario presso Assindustria Lucca il 16 di settembre. E’ stato molto interessante confrontarci con aziende piccole e medie che stanno introducendosi, o già si sono introdotte, sul mercato globale e approfondire non solo i tipici aspetti riguardanti lo sviluppo strategico e pratico di questi progetti ma anche tutto ciò che riguarda le dinamiche di leadership, comunicazione e lavoro in gruppo che sono alla base di queste importanti scelte aziendali. Scelte che oggi rappresentano sempre più un percorso obbligato non solo per la crescita ma anche per la sopravvivenza di molte realtà organizzative.

Assieme ad Andrea Morici introduco il seminario che si è tenuto presso la Sala Puccini di Assindustria Lucca
Assieme ad Andrea Morici introduco il seminario che si è tenuto presso la Sala Puccini di Assindustria Lucca

In particolare abbiamo evidenziato come le dinamiche di innovazione (collegate anche all’approccio pragmatico, e raggiungibile da molte aziende PMI, evidenziato nel libro “Innovazione a tutto gas!” innovazioneatuttogas.it ) e di cambiamento rappresentino strumenti chiave a qualsiasi progetto di internazionalizzazione. Assieme ad Andrea faremo altri seminari su queste tematiche in altre zone d’Italia. Cambiamento, innovazione per internazionalizzazione!

“Go ahead, make my day!” Do we have the courage to express our best, Clint Eastwood style? ;)

Somehow I always find myself ‘sleepwalking’ into bookstores; no matter what part of the globe I am there is some sort of unique magnet in me regarding bookstores. Even if I mostly read books off the Kindle App on my iPad, I still enjoy walking to the cash counter with an actual paper book that somehow stuck to my hands. This time around I was in Orlando – Florida and the book was “American Rebel. The Life of Clint Eastwood” by Marc Eliot.

“Go ahead, make my day!” is the famous quote by Eastwood’ Inspector Harry Callahan, a rough and very direct character. Eastwood has made his day by showing the courage to go well beyond the profession of actor, a profession he was able to carve for himself after a struggling start from the scratch. 

Clint Eastwood: actor, producer, movie director
Clint Eastwood: actor, producer, movie director … everything at the very top!

I have always been fascinated by his somewhat mysterious versatility comprised in his stare. I always thought that there was more to him that a way Sergio Leone (whom directed him in the legendary ‘spaghetti western’) described his acting: “He has two acting expressions: one with the hat, the other one without the hat”. 

He started his career from nothing (and with nothing) as a C level movie actor; he had the good looks and he was in the right place within the right geographical networks: Hollywood and Los Angeles. After a few years he got a role within a popular cowboy US TV series: “Rawhide”. The series got notoriety in several countries outside of the US; in Japan TV viewers got fascinated by it and Clint begun to experience what being an international movie star meant. Years ahead he would become more and more used to it becoming, during the ‘70s, the number one movie star in the world making himself and many people in Hollywood rich in the process.

Eastwood versatility has been shown by the many roles he has played through his career but mostly through the fact that he, very early in his career (during filming of the “Rawhide” series), got himself involved in the overall movie making process: from selecting the script, to contributing to its screenplay development, to learning all that there was to learn ‘behind the scenes’ (often sticking around with backstage workers to ‘learn the trade’ while other actor colleagues already had taken off a headed towards more relaxing times).   

Eventually this lead to four Oscars: two for best movie (‘Unforgiven’ – 1992 and ‘Million Dollar Baby’ – 2004) and two for best director (still ‘Unforgiven’ and ‘Million Dollar Baby’). He never got the best actor award but his lead-role in ‘Gran Torino’ – 2008 (once again a movie made by Clint involving also his very own production company – Malpaso) was unanimously deserving one (expect for the Oscars inner circle…).

This has got me thinking about how many of us have the courage ‘to go for it’, telling to reality “Go ahead, make my day!”  not in arrogant aggressive way, just in humble and determined one; focusing on continuos learning and maintaining a vision for self-growth and progress no matter what. Our challenging times increasingly demand for this kind of attitude and mindset. “Let’s go ahead! Let’s make our day!”.


In presa diretta da Daytona!

(pubbicato da ReportMotori.it)

Da sempre Daytona è nell’immaginario collettivo di noi appassionati di Motorsport.

Riccardo alla guida approccia una delle paraboliche di Daytona...
Riccardo alla guida approccia una delle paraboliche di Daytona…

La 500 miglia e la 24 ore di Daytona, rappresentano appuntamenti immancabili e riferimenti storici sportivi indiscussi.

Tutto è cominciato più di sessanta anni fa dalla spiaggia in sabbia naturalmente battuta di Daytona Beach con le scorribande delle tipiche‘muscle cars’ americane, ‘auto muscolose’ con i poderosi V8 truccati che davano il senso della velocità nei lunghissimi dritti e poi lasciano a desiderare nelle curve, ma questo non importava. Le curve iniziarono a divenire più importanti quando fu costruita (su un terreno altrettanto piatto e sabbioso) la pista che da tempo ha varie configurazioni: dal triovale di 4km con curve paraboliche (fino a 31 gradi di inclinazione!) utilizzato per la 500 miglia o altre configurazioni di percorsi misti come quello che viene usato per la 24 ore di Daytona.

23 Agosto 2014. Sono a Daytona all’International Speedway che dapprima volevo semplicemente visitare, trovandomi per ragioni lavorative in Florida, poi mi sono reso conto che potevo pure girare in pista con unaNASCAR!

Tutto grazie ad un programma che l’organizzazione Richard Petty Driving Experience ha iniziato a sviluppare dal alcuni anni fa su varie piste negliUSA. Petty si è ritirato da molti anni dalle competizioni ma continua ad essere una leggenda negli States per i numerosi titoli vinti in NASCAR e soprattutto per il modo deciso con cui lo ha fatto. Nel creare il programma ha utilizzato al meglio la sua immagine, il suo ‘brand’, per dare a tutti gli appassionati l’opportunità di vivere sulla propria pelle emozioni racing veramente uniche ‘Authentic Nascar Entertainment‘ e’ lo slogan chiave del programma.

Mi iscrivo al programma sul loro sito, tutto ottimamente organizzato e molto chiaro: cosa comprende, cosa non comprende, responsabilità, rischi e da subito si mette in evidenza che si tratta di un programma di High Performance Safe Entertainment (divertimento e sicurezza sono valori chiave che permeano concretamente, in tutti i dettagli, il programma). Sono con un amico e arriviamo alla pista che dall’esterno sembra un vero e proprio megastadio; ha un che di maestoso che incute un senso di storia e di rispetto; si notano subito le colline artificiali create ad-hoc per le paraboliche.

Nell’ingresso centrale c’è una sezione dedicata al programma dove una signora dai candidi capelli bianchi e dal sorriso rassicurante di una nonna verifica la tua iscrizione e ti stampa il dorso di una mano, pronti a partire! procedere in auto verso la parte interna del circuito attraverso il sottopassaggio 4! arriviamo al  (il testo originale continua su Reportmotori.it ) …

In presa diretta da Daytona!

(pubbicato da ReportMotori.it)

Da sempre Daytona è nell’immaginario collettivo di noi appassionati di Motorsport.

Riccardo alla guida approccia una delle paraboliche di Daytona...
Riccardo alla guida approccia una delle paraboliche di Daytona…

La 500 miglia e la 24 ore di Daytona, rappresentano appuntamenti immancabili e riferimenti storici sportivi indiscussi.

Tutto è cominciato più di sessanta anni fa dalla spiaggia in sabbia naturalmente battuta di Daytona Beach con le scorribande delle tipiche‘muscle cars’ americane, ‘auto muscolose’ con i poderosi V8 truccati che davano il senso della velocità nei lunghissimi dritti e poi lasciano a desiderare nelle curve, ma questo non importava. Le curve iniziarono a divenire più importanti quando fu costruita (su un terreno altrettanto piatto e sabbioso) la pista che da tempo ha varie configurazioni: dal triovale di 4km con curve paraboliche (fino a 31 gradi di inclinazione!) utilizzato per la 500 miglia o altre configurazioni di percorsi misti come quello che viene usato per la 24 ore di Daytona.

23 Agosto 2014. Sono a Daytona all’International Speedway che dapprima volevo semplicemente visitare, trovandomi per ragioni lavorative in Florida, poi mi sono reso conto che potevo pure girare in pista con unaNASCAR!

Tutto grazie ad un programma che l’organizzazione Richard Petty Driving Experience ha iniziato a sviluppare dal alcuni anni fa su varie piste negliUSA. Petty si è ritirato da molti anni dalle competizioni ma continua ad essere una leggenda negli States per i numerosi titoli vinti in NASCAR e soprattutto per il modo deciso con cui lo ha fatto. Nel creare il programma ha utilizzato al meglio la sua immagine, il suo ‘brand’, per dare a tutti gli appassionati l’opportunità di vivere sulla propria pelle emozioni racing veramente uniche ‘Authentic Nascar Entertainment‘ e’ lo slogan chiave del programma.

Mi iscrivo al programma sul loro sito, tutto ottimamente organizzato e molto chiaro: cosa comprende, cosa non comprende, responsabilità, rischi e da subito si mette in evidenza che si tratta di un programma di High Performance Safe Entertainment (divertimento e sicurezza sono valori chiave che permeano concretamente, in tutti i dettagli, il programma). Sono con un amico e arriviamo alla pista che dall’esterno sembra un vero e proprio megastadio; ha un che di maestoso che incute un senso di storia e di rispetto; si notano subito le colline artificiali create ad-hoc per le paraboliche.

Nell’ingresso centrale c’è una sezione dedicata al programma dove una signora dai candidi capelli bianchi e dal sorriso rassicurante di una nonna verifica la tua iscrizione e ti stampa il dorso di una mano, pronti a partire! procedere in auto verso la parte interna del circuito attraverso il sottopassaggio 4! arriviamo al  (il testo originale continua su Reportmotori.it )

‘Innovation full throttle!’ at Daytona ;)

Riccardo laps at Daytona pushing up to 164,31 mp/h (264,37 km/h) and evaluating an overall High Performance Motorsport Entertainment Program… These are some of the first impressions he shared about the experience, some inspiration for new sections of the upcoming international edition of the book is no doubt present here.

“I always wanted to try American style racing with pure American style cars. As it always happens, you create your own opportunities… This is what happened yesterday at Daytona… driving at around 265 km/h is incredible fun and even relaxing even if there were some quite different driving aspects that I was not used to (speed not a problem).

Weirdest thing: the incredible set-up to pull on the left that you feel mostly in the straight… the high banks (around 31 degrees) are very interesting: they push to go flat-out right away even if, when you realise the strength of that continuos pull in the straight, you become thereafter more cautious to make sure you don’t mess up in the straight ending up too close to the wall for the next entrance and exit.

The instructor Robert Portano was great and as we can see at some times I got him a little scared because of my hi banks exits… ;) I am sure he played a little bit with the power tool to cool me down (and it could be rightly so even if during the last two laps – basically we got six overall excluding the warm up and cool down ones – I felt more and more comfortable also with the seating position not easy to adjust to (many people and of all different sizes jump in) I felt either crammed or too much laying back… much better to be crammed with this kind of cars and tracks ;) and that is what I picked.

Overall just need to learn to: foot down all over (done that) work well the wheel in the very unnatural way to many (got better and better) and keep the right lines (got better and better). If I had listened to Rusty (crew chief) and added right away some more laps (why not a credit card swipe right in the car ;) ) I would have reached the very top of the car given car potential (set to no go over 170 mph for insurance purposes).

Overall a great experience. The Richard Petty Driving Experience is no doubt a unique program driven by focusing on Pure Speed matched by Entertainment and Safety for all! Only in America! ;) (at least for now…).”


Always a new fun challenge! This time lapping at Daytona with a NASCAR at 265 km/h!

I always wanted to try American style racing with pure American style cars.

Well, as it always happens, you create your own opportunities… This is what happened yesterday at Daytona… driving at around 265 km/h is incredible fun and even relaxing even if there were some quite different driving aspects that I was not used to (speed not a problem).

Weirdest thing: the incredible set-up to pull on the left that you feel mostly in the straight… the high banks (around 31 degrees) are very interesting: they push to go flat-out right away even if, when you realise the strength of that continuos pull in the straight, you become thereafter more cautious to make sure you don’t mess up in the straight ending up too close to the wall for the next entrance and exit.

The instructor Robert Portano was great and as we can see at some times I got him a little scared because of my hi banks exits… 😉 I am sure he played a little bit with the power tool to cool me down (and it could be rightly so even if during the last two laps – basically we got six overall excluding the warm up and cool down ones – I felt more and more comfortable also with the seating position not easy to adjust to (many people and of all different sizes jump in) I felt either crammed or too much laying back… much better to be crammed with this kind of cars and tracks 😉 and that is what I picked.

Overall just need to learn to: foot down all over (done that) work well the wheel in the very unnatural way to many (got better and better) and keep the right lines (got better and better). If I had listened to Rusty (crew chief) and added right away some more laps (why not a credit card swipe right in the car 😉 ) I would have reached the very top of the car given car potential (set to no go over 170 mph for insurance purposes).

Overall a great experience. The Richard Petty Driving Experience is no doubt a unique program driven by focusing on Pure Speed matched by Entertainment and Safety for all! Only in America! 😉 (at least for now…)


Innovation Full Throttle! About the visionary Motorsport University Project…

From ReportMotori.it

The avant-garde project of the Motorsport University is coming to life.

As future director of the  Giovanni Alberto Agnelli racetrackWalter Sciacca‘s statements on a racetrack which will open in September 2015 are recent. It is a structure which will bring with it not only passion but a concrete breath of fresh air and innovation in a world – the world of motorsport – which has always been a passion for thousands of people.

Walter Sciacca
Walter Sciacca

It is a question of innovation but also of development and investment: the Pontedera Racetrack will bea at the heart of an important partnership between the Pont-Tech industrial Estate and MOVET, the Sant’Anna Technological Estate in Pontedera and the Navacchio Technological Estate, all of which are avant-garde technological centres, and Pisa University which has always been involved in the motorsport world thanks to ongoing research which has brought important initiatives to fruition.
At a historic juncture like this one, investing in avant-garde projects means gambling on the future with proposals which are destined to change past business models and overturn them.

Projects and theories but also forward thinking, the future Pontedera Racetrack is also featuring in a book which will generate featuring many stimuli on the future of innovation in our business and organizations.
The author of the book Innovazione A tutto gas. Da Cento Anni di Motorsport il Carburante all’Innovazione in Azienda Innovation full throttle. From One Hundred Years of Motorsport Fuel for Company Innovation) Riccardo Paterni (innovazionetuttogas.it, Edizioni Lifeplan 2013, international edition in early 2015) is an expert in innovation and internationalisation. His vision aims to help companies breathe life into and bring to fruition processes of added value generation in social and economic contexts in constant evolution.

Riccardo, in your book you articulate that innovation consists in creativity that generates added value in the perceptions of the market of reference. How will the future Pontedera racetrack promote innovation in this sense?

From this point of view the project encompasses key factors which  (continues at this link)

Innovation Full Throttle! About the visionary Motorsport University Project…

From ReportMotori.it

The avant-garde project of the Motorsport University is coming to life.

As future director of the  Giovanni Alberto Agnelli racetrackWalter Sciacca‘s statements on a racetrack which will open in September 2015 are recent. It is a structure which will bring with it not only passion but a concrete breath of fresh air and innovation in a world – the world of motorsport – which has always been a passion for thousands of people.

Walter Sciacca
Walter Sciacca

It is a question of innovation but also of development and investment: the Pontedera Racetrack will bea at the heart of an important partnership between the Pont-Tech industrial Estate and MOVET, the Sant’Anna Technological Estate in Pontedera and the Navacchio Technological Estate, all of which are avant-garde technological centres, and Pisa University which has always been involved in the motorsport world thanks to ongoing research which has brought important initiatives to fruition.
At a historic juncture like this one, investing in avant-garde projects means gambling on the future with proposals which are destined to change past business models and overturn them.

Projects and theories but also forward thinking, the future Pontedera Racetrack is also featuring in a book which will generate featuring many stimuli on the future of innovation in our business and organizations.
The author of the book Innovazione A tutto gas. Da Cento Anni di Motorsport il Carburante all’Innovazione in Azienda Innovation full throttle. From One Hundred Years of Motorsport Fuel for Company Innovation) Riccardo Paterni (innovazionetuttogas.it, Edizioni Lifeplan 2013, international edition in early 2015) is an expert in innovation and internationalisation. His vision aims to help companies breathe life into and bring to fruition processes of added value generation in social and economic contexts in constant evolution.

Riccardo, in your book you articulate that innovation consists in creativity that generates added value in the perceptions of the market of reference. How will the future Pontedera racetrack promote innovation in this sense?

From this point of view the project encompasses key factors which  (continues at this link)

Il mix vincente innovazione e internazionalizzazione per valorizzare know-how. Un esempio concreto…

Ieri (31 luglio) la testata giornalistica Reportmotori.it  ha intervistato Riccardo in merito ad progetto che sta emergendo nel segno della valorizzazione del know-how innovando e con una proiezione internazionale: l’Autodromo di Pontedera.

Alfredo Medici (Presidente Pluris Servizi Immobiliari) e Walter Sciacca (CEO MPA)
Alfredo Medici (Presidente Pluris Servizi Immobiliari) e Walter Sciacca (CEO MPA)

Il progetto è destinato a svilupparsi molto oltre le tradizionali caratteristiche e dinamiche di un progetto di questo tipo. L’innovazione consiste nel fare della struttura un catalizzatore di ricerca, sviluppo e formazione da più fonti d’eccellenza e tutte legate ad una visione di crescita a tutto tondo del Motorsport. In tutto questo l’autodromo ha il concreto potenziale per divenire un riferimento globale nel settore (e non solo). L’edizione internazionale del libro (in uscita ad inizio 2015) conterrà una sezione di approfondimento sul progetto. A questo link l’intervista che introduce questi temi.