New Global Business Models Enabled by Digital Technologies and Fresh Mindset. Introduction to an upcoming debate.

Digital technologies are multiplying the pace of change and the so called progress. Increasingly we talk about market disruptions, business models that have produced margins and sustainability for years now they keep getting replaced by new ones at a faster and faster pace. A key role that technology has within these dynamics is to boost the speed of the entire process influencing directly the way business models (from producer to user) are set. Interestingly within all of this people’s original ideas and visions still represent the essential sparks and foundations of it all: this is why arguably much before technology open visionary mindsets are relevant to progressive changes. We will debate about these topics from several perspectives during a debate held as part to the 2016 edition (the 7th one) of the University of Pisa International MBA.


This is an interesting article just published (March 2016) on McKinsey Quarterly “The essentials of digital strategy” , it points out in a clear way several new possibilities and opportunities shaped up by all of this.

The companies involved in the debate will introduce projects that are underway and that are leveraging upon both fresh mindsets with a global projection and the latest digital technologies enabling it all.

Diversity empowering global development. Pisa University 2015 MBA!

The University of Pisa International Master in Business Administration has just reached the VI edition ( and its developing more and more one of its key characteristics: the high level of diversity that becomes dynamically integrated within the program itself.

2015 University of Pisa International MBA
2015 University of Pisa International MBA

Diversity from several points of view: culture (all continents have been represented throughout the six editions – about twenty different nationalities this edition) as well as academic and professional backgrounds (all of the key areas of organisational development are represented with the majority of the participants having years of work experience, at this link some key statics ) belonging to global entrepreneurial, SME and corporate contexts.

The program has the characteristics of an Executive International MBA yet it is intensive full time and completed in one year time in order to enable participants to progress rapidly within their global careers.

We are in the process of powering up the Corporate Network linked to the MBA that is already quite extensive and continuing to formally and purposefully develop an Alumni Association. This to empower even more an extensive network of contacts that the MBA has generated among not only participants (by now around 150 alumni – on purpose classes are kept below the 30 participants threshold per edition) but also reaching out to the extensive international network of professors, individual professionals, entrepreneurs, managers that have been enriching the actual and consistent connections of this hands-on MBA with the managerial, economic and social dynamics of the ‘real world’.

It is has been a pleasure for me to have had the opportunity to participate dynamically to the development of the program since the very first edition. Today I focus on Talent Identification and Development of the participants related to the progression of their careers and I coordinate the Business Game that is representing a concrete fresh entrepreneurial challenge integrating concretely the overall know-how and experiences developed throughout the MBA itself.

2015 MBA participants, we will enjoy the development path together.

All of you interested to connect and enrich this unique context of learning and global know-how development feel free to contact me , I will be happy to dialogue with you regarding the ways we can contribute together to the development of this unique project.

Concrete link between top higher business education and International Motorsport

The University of Pisa International MBA continues its path to connect even stronger to the actual global dynamics of business involving entrepreneurs and managers with a concrete global vision.

A new entry to the MBA as a speaker is the International Motorsport entrepreneur and manager Walter Sciacca.
More information about him and these development plans in this press release

Walter Sciacca testing the cockpit of the Evantra (Mazzanti Automobili supercar) together with Luca Mazzanti
Walter Sciacca testing the cockpit of the Evantra (Mazzanti Automobili supercar) together with Luca Mazzanti

( in the picture Walter Sciacca testing the cockpit of a Mazzanti Automobili supercar manufactured nearby Pisa, in Pontedera, where a new racetrack is going to be located and managed by Sciacca )

My statement regarding this happening:

“My motto – comments Paterni – is ‘knowledge for action and action for knowledge’: knowledge and
action reinforce and develop one another and I believe that the cooperation between the International
MBA and Walter Sciacca perfectly exemplifies the concept. These days there is much talk about the
need to innovate, to create new horizons and opportunities for development and this requires the spirit
of pragmatism and visionary capacities that characterise the undisputed professionalism of Sciacca and
the driving force of our teamwork in MBA. This synergy has the potential to create something unique at
an international level regarding the identity and planning of both the Master and the innovative
development project of the Racetrack in Pontedera.”

Walter Sciacca relatore all’International MBA dell’Università di Pisa 2015.

Da (8 ottobre 2014)

Un mio commento riguardo a questa nuova collaborazione al master in cui collaboro da cinque anni:

“Il mio motto è ‘sapere per fare e fare per sapere’: sapere e azione si rafforzano e sviluppano l’uno con l’altro e credo che la collaborazione fra l’MBA Internazionale e Walter Sciacca esemplifichi perfettamente il concetto. Di questi tempi si parla molto della necessità di innovare, di creare nuovi orizzonti e opportunità di sviluppo e il tutto richiede lo spirito di concretezza e le capacità visionarie che caratterizzano la professionalità indiscussa di Sciacca e la forza propulsiva del nostro team di lavoro all’MBA. Questa sinergia ha le potenzialità per generare qualcosa di unico a livello internazionale per quanto riguarda l’identità e la progettualità sia del Master che del progetto di sviluppo innovativo dell’Autodromo di Pontedera.”


Giunto alla VI edizione, il prestigioso International MBA potrà contare nella prossima edizione anche sul contributo di uno dei top manager di punta del motorsport mondiale

Cinque anni di successi, cinque continenti, cinque specificità professionali prevalenti: è con questi presupposti che si prepara a partire la nuova (la sesta) edizione del Master in Business Administration (MBA) dell’Università di Pisa.

Riccardo, Walter Sciacca, Giulio Greco
Riccardo, Walter Sciacca, Giulio Greco

Tra le punte di diamante dell’Ateneo pisano, l’MBA si sviluppa nell’arco di un anno, è totalmente in lingua inglese e, tra i propri palmarès, annovera la più alta incidenza di studenti stranieri (oltre il 90 per cento), provenienti da tutti i continenti e in possesso di background professionali che spaziano tra vari settori: ingegneria, economia e finanza, scienza, organizzazione, comunicazione.

New entry di pregio nel corpo docenti

Tra le grandi novità dell’Anno Accademico 2015 spicca la presenza di Walter Sciacca,  imprenditore e manager di primo piano nel mondo dell’automotive e del motosport internazionale. Farà parte del corpo docenti in veste di Relatore…  (continua su