Brain plasticity: it is a given science. Why don’t we use it enough yet?…

For years now the concept of Brain Plasticity has been pointed out and articulated at several levels, from the deep scientific one to the one suitable (for terminology and contexts) to a wider audience.

Featured herewith is a in depth interview to Dr. Norman Doidge that first published, in 2007, a book on the subject that got noticed also by the mainstream global media “The Brain that Changes Itself. Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science” (here an interesting review from The Innovation Journal).

By becoming aware of the potential we have to shape and develop our way of thinking in more positive and active ways, we have in front of us the choice to step-up our pathway to continuos self-improvement and success (defined in any which way most suits us).

This empowers us to be more effective in our daily lives as well as professional lives, it empowers us to embrace change and uncertainty as a way towards progress and growth rather than regress and doubt, it empowers us to give our very best of our experiences (our wisdoms and insights) at any age and, most of all, it empowers us to experience and fuel a sense of hope that needs to energise ourself and from us spread contagiously to others.

Why don’t we talk more about this topic rather than letting ourselves and many other people clutter and get the potential of our brains stuck?

We do always have a choice! Let’s become aware of it and constantly use it for a better future that it is always possible, no matter what; we just need to let our brains express the very best to find solutions.