“Space Cowboys”: new company projects set senior workers back on main stage!


In recent weeks German companies such as Bosch (technology automotive), Otto Group (mail order retail) and Daimler (automotive) have been strengthening an important trend and recently a famous italian fashion brand, Bottega Veneta, joined it: senior workers knowledge are involved again into relevant operational and strategic projects.

The reason for this? Quite simple. In a world where too much seems to be driven and controlled by technology people still count and their knowledge, matured during several years of actual work experience, is a unique asset that not even technology can match.

"Space Cowboys" seniors back at NASA...
“Space Cowboys” seniors back at NASA…

“Space Cowboys” is the name assigned to this program (conceptually taken from the movie Clint Eastwood, shot in 2000 featuring skilled seniors were taking the role actual heroes).

We need to place close attention to what is happening here and totally revaluate the dynamics of companies/workers relations are shaped and managed. No longer is the time of sides taken just out of political principles. 

When we focus on actually creating value added, knowledge is the key asset and the flow of knowledge (in all of its forms: skills, attitudes, experiences) is the key reference point that needs to be developed sustained and preserved, no matter where it comes from.