Dan Peterson. Coaching made straightforward, cherokee style!

On September 30th I have been invited by the Industrial Association of Lucca to contribute to a seminar lead by the famous basketball coach (active from1962 to 2011 and legendary in Italy for impressive international wins achieved with Bologna and a Milan teams) Dan Peterson. Nowadays he is journalist and a popular inspiring public figure regarding the overall fields of teamwork and leadership. It has been a pleasure to have the opportunity to interact with him together with the journalist Alessandro Petrini, himself an expert in basketball and coach. Peterson (he likes to be called simply ‘Coach’) is famous for his direct dynamic way to communicate, his sense of energy is very contagious and this is already setting me very comfortable and at ease with him.

Riccardo Paterni, Alessandro Petrini e Dan Peterson
Riccardo Paterni, Alessandro Petrini e Dan Peterson

I have been contributing to define the title of the event: “Bring a sense of concreteness to vision: the role of teamwork”. I meet Coach outside the beautiful Bernardini Palace in downtown Lucca. Both of us are early and he is walking impatiently back and forth. That’s him! No doubt! I introduce myself and he gives me one of his penetrating glances, I sense right away we understand each other and we are on ‘set for the show’. I need to go in other offices and I meet again him and his entourage right before the beginning of the event. The rooms of the palace still have the unique pompous decorations dating back to many decades ago. All is set and ready. The audience is mainly made by Lucca Young Entrepreneurs and the Director Andrea Vanni makes a brief welcoming speech.

Petrini introduces the event and we start to exchange thoughts related to vision and teamwork linked to sports. He has many interesting things to say about basketball. He makes a reference to my latest book and I focus on an example of current dynamics that are not effective in Motorsport for the still unclear vision and the continuously shifting roles: Ferrari recent much brisk and much discussed succession at the helm of both the company manufacturing cars and the Formula 1 team.

The stage is now ‘warm’ and set for the entrance of the Coach as according to plan. He walks in fast greeting the audience with his unique american accent made popular by unforgettable TV commercials dating a few years back. He glances at Petrini and myself, we are eagerly sitting at the table behind the podium (no way he can sit! regretfully I have to respect a minimum of protocol that the place deserves and I have to sit there): ‘come on boys start asking questions I can answer anything, almost anything”. 

Here we start the show!

His style is brisk, filled with anecdotes that he also exemplifies by moving around and even making basketball steps and moves to reinforce and exemplify teamwork ideas he points out. 

Open mind to gain awareness   He points out that for him it all began with the almost fortuitous opportunity to work as a coach for the Chile basketball team for a few months until the demise of Allende. Born and raised within the insular to the globe (as he points out) certainties of midwest America, he stresses hat he has learned from Chile much much more that he has taught there: such a different culture has opened his mind towards the world and new ideas. A first essential step towards self awareness, an aspect that he stresses as crucial to anything we are set to do.

He is clear, concise and simple (not simplistic) in the way he states things.

What coaching is all about   1) Pretending from the players  2) Give them a sense of confidence. In other words, continue to set higher and higher standards and make sure that they feel that can achieve them.

Communication as key: the powerful one  Peterson considers communication as a key to any real teamwork achievement. It is essential to look at people in the eyes for clear heart to heart conversation making sure to be sensitive in detecting and promptly addressing in a caring and straightforward way issues that trouble the minds and emotions individual team players. The ‘human touch’ is a foundation for it all and it is evident that Peterson has gained this through his intense multicultural experiences on and off the playing field. In communicating keep everything simple, focus on three concepts at most but make sure that they are understood, fully understood, and become part of the way of thinking and acting of the player. As a coach do not overcommunicate  because this simply sends messages of fear to the team, the team has to be protected from fear, it needs to be driven by high standards and an increased sense of confidence.

All is flowing and dynamic today, yet some key principles stick…   Coach looks straight in my eyes and asks for one more question, we all sense it is going to be the last definitive one. I state that many things he is stating related to working in a team set on defined models and actions; at the same time nowadays organisations confront themselves with continuos changes in a very dynamic way and this certainly impacts teamwork. Earlier I had pointed out that to me there are two levels of teamwork: the daily one related to tasks performance (for example changing tyres in F1 in 2 seconds) and the strategic operational ones concerning vision and its implementation (the one were Ferrari F1 is failing now). Nevertheless I underline that some key principles he points out represent essential foundations even for nowadays workplaces. He acknowledges my thinking matching it with some examples while briskly walking towards the audience.

The cherokee way   He ends the meeting with a special positive uplifting greeting made with a sign language that he translates into words. He says that 1/64 of his blood is cherokee. Cherokee communicate in sign language in a way that is straightforward, direct, self-assured, personable, simple and inspiring at the same time. That is exactly Coach! That 1/64 of cherokee blood is possibly the one taking over and that gives him his unique sense of identity and contagious energy.

Thank you for the lasting lessons Coach!


Seminario “Internazionalizzare per Crescere” presso Assindustria Lucca

Assieme al collega Andrea Morici (anche lui autore e blogger Lifeplan) abbiamo curato questo seminario presso Assindustria Lucca il 16 di settembre. E’ stato molto interessante confrontarci con aziende piccole e medie che stanno introducendosi, o già si sono introdotte, sul mercato globale e approfondire non solo i tipici aspetti riguardanti lo sviluppo strategico e pratico di questi progetti ma anche tutto ciò che riguarda le dinamiche di leadership, comunicazione e lavoro in gruppo che sono alla base di queste importanti scelte aziendali. Scelte che oggi rappresentano sempre più un percorso obbligato non solo per la crescita ma anche per la sopravvivenza di molte realtà organizzative.

Assieme ad Andrea Morici introduco il seminario che si è tenuto presso la Sala Puccini di Assindustria Lucca
Assieme ad Andrea Morici introduco il seminario che si è tenuto presso la Sala Puccini di Assindustria Lucca

In particolare abbiamo evidenziato come le dinamiche di innovazione (collegate anche all’approccio pragmatico, e raggiungibile da molte aziende PMI, evidenziato nel libro “Innovazione a tutto gas!” innovazioneatuttogas.it ) e di cambiamento rappresentino strumenti chiave a qualsiasi progetto di internazionalizzazione. Assieme ad Andrea faremo altri seminari su queste tematiche in altre zone d’Italia. Cambiamento, innovazione per internazionalizzazione!

Our incredible world! Are you a psychopath? then get ready for a leadership position!…

Looking at things from different perspectives it is always illuminating. All this is fine, yet what about when we start pointing out that nowadays what is considered as the most effective leadership (current definition upcoming) scientifically do have psychopath traits (of course at several levels of intensity)?

Classic Psychopathic Greed
Classic Psychopathic Greed

Increasingly, given the complexities of todays society and business context (complexities that, by the way, are created by all of us, they are not there by nature), you are an effective leader if you can deal with all of this, find solutions and opportunities by acting in a ruthless fashion devoid of emphaty. This is what surfaces from a recent scientific research, and from opinions of so called ‘experts’, featured in a recent coverage by CNN ‘The Business View’ “Does being a psychopath make you more successful?” .

Now, let me express my very own opinion. I do not want to consider myself an expert on leadership (although I have being researching and actively working on the topic across several cultures during the last 25 years and I constantly strive to improve  my very own); I want to state this as a person that is trying to bring back to attention some ‘common sense’ (by now certainly not so common).

Defining leadership simply by the ability to get things done, no matter what, it is not only short-term close minded, but even extremely destructive of current resources (any kind of them, including mental and emotional energies). When the principles, the values at the foundations of our actions are so short termed no wonder that at the social, economic and organisational level we end-up in the total chaos we find ourselves in!

Within all of the damages, destructions and chaos generated by this kind of ‘psychopath mentality’ we have now the opportunity to show how a focused on long term, visionary, emphatetic approach (geared towards understanding the real issues that are at stake and that are keep on surfacing if not properly addressed) can improve things on sorts of areas and dimensions.

Leadership is something perceived by many as ‘power’ over others, to many it is a top-down forced approach.

In actuality the real leadership, the one that lasts, solves actual problems, finds and develops actual opportunities for good, it is the one recognised as bottom-up. Is the one that leverages not on power imposition, rather on power recognition bottom-up. Most of all leadership is not a role, it is a state of visionary sense of responsibility and inspiration consistently demonstrated through behaviours.

How many ‘psychopaths’ are able to show this? How many of us, even if not ‘psychopaths’, have the guts to understand and show the real and inspiring (actual problem solving / opportunities finding) leadership we all need?!



Da creatività a innovazione: alcuni ingredienti…

Spesso innovare é un processo che ha radici creative lontane che giungono ad evolversi ed affermarsi tramite percorsi difficili e contorti. Queste affermazioni vengono raggiunte grazie a un bilanciato e solido mix di capacità, visione e determinazione da parte di persone che hanno funzioni e punti di vista diversi. Per l’affermazione del progetto innovativo é necessaria una forte leadership sia da un punto di vista strategico che operativo.


La vittoria di Nigel Mansell al Gran Premio del Brasile 1989, al debutto con il radicalmente innovativo cambio semiautomatico, illustra efficacemente il tutto.